Common Hair Problems Facing Dubai Residents and How to Combat Them

Common Hair Problems Facing Dubai Residents and How to Combat Them

Jun 5, 2024

Are you unfamiliar with the common hair problems faced by Dubai residents? Do you want to hunt down the proficient advice to fix it?

A land rich in tourist attractions always impresses its audience, but a common issue here also worries its visitors: Hair problems. It is mainly said that hair fall in Dubai is due to the hard water in some regions or the oppressive heat environment.

The dryness in Dubai not only led to hair loss and scalp dryness but also numerous hair loss problems that you should overcome to heal your hair health. For this, read the following article thoroughly so you are aware of the severe and common hair problems.

Other than environmental changes, harsh water, and other factors can also affect hair growth and appearance. These include stressful routines, hormonal changes, aging, a lack of proper diet, drugs, Thyroid diseases, and nutritional deficiencies. 

Do your best to make your hair healthy and resilient and strong through proficient strategies and live a fear-free life.

Common Hair Problems Facing Dubai Residents

Hair loss issues in Dubai are the first priority of natives who want to fix them. But first, highlight the root causes and work to reduce them. On the other hand, if you have issues, then apply the solutions to wipe them out entirely.

Always consult with a dermatologist or trichologist whenever you observe hair or scalp. The following are the common hair problems in Dubai:

1)    Dryness or brittle hair

The hot climate of Dubai is the actual reason that paved the way to dry or brittle hairs. Moreover, when a high amount of chlorine is present in water or if you will spend more time in air conditioning systems. All these are enough to create dry hair problems in Dubai.

How to Combat it:

  • You can recover your dry or brittle hair by keeping it hydrated and moisturized.
  • For this, use chemical-less shampoos and conditioners to retain their moisture.
  • During outdoor activities in hot weather, use hats, caps, or scarves to cover your hair and head.

2)    Hair fall

This issue is the most common one among Dubai’s residents. Hard water plays a key role in causing hair loss. Secondly, nutritional deficiencies, stress, a busy lifestyle, and lack of comfort can cause hair loss temporarily or permanently.

How to Combat it:

  • Add all the food items in your diet rich in vitamins and minerals, e.g., zinc, iron, etc.
  • Remove the impurities from hard water via filtration and then use it.
  • Massaging the scalp can also restrict hair fall because it circulates blood flow and aids in hair growth.

3)    Fizziness

Your hair also becomes frizzy when you use too many tools to stabilize it properly and neatly. This includes dryers, straighteners, heat brushes, etc. Furthermore, when the climate of Dubai changes and there are high humidity levels, this also causes common hair problems in Dubai.

How to combat it:

  • Control your frizzy hair by applying effective serums, sprays, and oils.
  • When you are going to use styling tools before it applies heat protectant.
  • Make sure that your hair is dry because it will prove successful in reducing fizziness.

4)    Dandruff or Scalp issues

It is observed that scalp or headache issues are generated by stress, anxiety, and tension. Secondly, if you need to provide proper hygiene to your scalp or hair, likewise, the air conditioner can also cause dandruff and dry hair problems in Dubai.

How to combat it:

  • On dermatologist directives, use anti-dandruff shampoos, e.g., zinc pyrithione, Sebizole anti–dandruff, etc.
  • Schedule a regular hair-washing routine to remove dirt and make the scalp and hair clean.
  • Don’t forget to hydrate the scalp and apply serums and oils that help to give smoothness.

5)    Hair Damage or thinning

Along with the intense heat in Dubai, the following other factors also cause hair damage or thinning problems: a long day out during sun exposure and swimming more than usual. Swimming pools’ water contains high chlorine, which is bad for hair.

How to combat it:

  • During your outdoor activities in sunny hours, wear hair-protected items that are best to protect from UV radiation. 
  • Use the shampoos effectively to remove chlorine after swimming, and always try to rinse hair immediately after swimming.
  • In order to compete with the dryness factor of chlorine, toxic-free hair masks should be applied as well.

6)    Scalp and hair oiliness

As in Dubai’s climate, humidity is also a feature. So, oily scalp and hairs due to high humidity and harsh heat from the sun. Furthermore, over-washing the scalp also moisturizes hair more than needed. This forces the scalp to make it oily.

How to combat it:

  • For better outcomes, introduce mild shampoos that are sulfate-free.
  • If you have an oily scalp surface, use dry shampoos, as they absorb unnecessary moisture.
  • Don’t connect with washing. Make sure your scalp is clean.


Dubai has naturally occurring tough summer weather that not only affects human health but also sets the ground for common hair problems. Rather than environmental changes, hard water factors like aging, nutritional deficiencies, and stress all temporarily or permanently cause hair fall issues.

Finally, brittle hair, fizziness, oily scalp, dandruff, and hair damage are all possible results of several possible changes in the environment and daily routine. As a Dubai native, make sure to drink enough water, maintain your scalp hygiene and health, and get healthier, disease-free hair.


1) How are common hair problems in Dubai caused?

Several reasons make the condition of Dubai’s citizens in terms of hair issues severe. The harsh environmental conditions, hard water, busy lifestyle, chemical-solid hair products, styling tools, etc., cause common hair issues in Dubai.

2) Enlist common hair problems faced by Dubai residents.

  • Dry or Brittle hair
  • Hair fall
  • Fizziness
  • Dandruff
  • Scalp issues
  • Oil hair or scalp
  • Hair damage, etc.

3) How to combat dry hair problems in Dubai?

Keep yourself, your hair, scalp hydrated and moisturized. Moreover, cover your head during outdoor activities. Lastly, shampoos and masks should be used to provide moisturizer and wipe out dryness efficiently. 

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