How to generate Leads from LinkedIn?

How to generate Leads from LinkedIn?

Jan 29, 2023

LinkedIn lead generation strategies

In the first section, we’re going to be going through is why LinkedIn at all, even for lead generation, what I want to do is take you through some pretty impressive statistics for why it’s the de facto place to be if you’re looking to generate appointments for your actual sales team.

Why LinkedIn for lead generation?

75% of all registered LinkedIn users have incomes of over $50,000

→ 44% of all LinkedIn registered users have incomes of over $75,000

→ 75% of them actually log in to LinkedIn on a daily basis 

→ 50% of users are likely to purchase via LinkedIn Interactions

And if you’re still not convinced, according to a b2b news network, half of LinkedIn users are likely to purchase with a company that they actually engage with on the platform. So these are the reasons why LinkedIn is a super place to be for your business-to-business lead generation.

What isn’t LinkedIn lead generation? 

-> Not LinkedIn Ads (Paid acquisition)

-> Not LinkedIn Company page growth

-> Not Sponsored InMail messaging

It’s important to clarify that as we move forward through this training. So the first thing is there are no paid ads, paid ads are extremely powerful on LinkedIn. But that’s not what we’re talking about today

.The second element of that is that it is not actual company page growth that we’re going to be discussing. So we’re not going to be talking about the growth of, for example, the SEM rush actual LinkedIn company page. 

And Furthermore, to preempt something that you’re probably thinking about, it is not actually sponsored in-mail messaging that you can get through the various subscription options that LinkedIn does have. So it’s not going to be those areas, 

Where we’re actually going to be talking about is the following things,

What is LinkedIn Lead Generation?

. Purchasing LinkedIn Sales Navigator 

. outreaching, your second-degree network

. Targeting messaging to generate sales conservation

LinkedIn lead generation strategies

1. Only outreach to Ideal Clients

If you are an SEO agency owner, or a b2b, lead generation agency owner like we are a power lemon, then you’re just ultimately keeping within your network in terms of the outreach that you do, not your friends, not your family, not colleagues that you’ve met through a co-working space, but actually focused upon your ideal business client

That’s a key thing, because therefore, each time that that person, let’s call it Frank, who’s a managing director at Frank’s local gym, when Frank likes your actual comment, or your status or connects with you, you’re also going to get access to Frank’s network who probably happen to be also other gym based business owners.

2. Works the other way around

So one of the things that I often see So I’m getting on average 150 connection requests a week. Now, all of those people, rather, the large majority of them are not my ideal client, yet a mistake that I’ve commonly made.

Note:  And it’s still sometimes a mistake that I continue to make is I accept people’s actual requests on the basis of the desire just to expand my network. Don’t do that. Okay, only accept people that are relevant to your actual business people that you could potentially end up doing business with. Okay, so that’s individuals within companies. So when you’re out reaching out with your ideal client, and when you’re actually accepting requests that come in, accept those from businesses, rather than individuals, that could be your actual ideal client. 

3. LinkedIn Boolean search 

Google it, LinkedIn, a Boolean search. LinkedIn gives you incredible power to use the AND OR function. In my example, target someone who’s a former Deloitte employee, I used to work at Deloitte, and you could target someone who also used to go to Warwick University. So then I could look at people that are former Deloitte employees, and former Warwick University alumni in combination with someone who considers themselves to be entrepreneurial. 

So I could target through LinkedIn Sales Navigator in combination with LinkedIn Boolean search, people that are x actual company, X University. So we’ve got those two pieces in common. And I’m really giving you a couple of points now, in combination with the use of LinkedIn Boolean search

And the final thing to consider is that the end goal of a LinkedIn lead generation strategy isn’t actually to close a deal. It’s not to close a deal the closing would be to get this person to get me on the phone, that would be what you should consider a victory. So these are the key areas that you must consider if you’re looking to generate up to 10 b-2-b appointments a week.

how to generate leads from LinkedIn for free

  1. Optimize your LinkedIn profile: Make sure your profile is complete and includes keywords relevant to your industry.
  2. Connect with potential leads: Seek out individuals and companies that may be interested in your products or services and send them a personalized connection request.
  3. Participate in LinkedIn groups: Join groups related to your industry and actively participate in discussions to establish yourself as a thought leader and connect with potential leads.
  4. Share valuable content: Share valuable content, such as articles and blog posts, on your LinkedIn profile to attract potential leads and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  5. Leverage LinkedIn’s advanced search features: Use LinkedIn’s advanced search features to find potential leads based on specific criteria, such as job title or industry.
  6. Create a LinkedIn Company Page: Create a LinkedIn Company Page to showcase your products and services and connect with potential leads.
  7. Use LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator: LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator is a paid tool that allows you to find leads and track their activity on the platform. You can also use it to find contact information for leads that are not yet connected to you.

how to generate b2b leads on LinkedIn?

Here are some strategies for generating B2B leads on LinkedIn:

  1. Optimize your LinkedIn profile: Make sure your profile is complete and includes keywords relevant to your industry.
  2. Connect with potential leads: Seek out individuals and companies that may be interested in your products or services and send them a personalized connection request.
  3. Participate in LinkedIn groups: Join groups related to your industry and actively participate in discussions to establish yourself as a thought leader and connect with potential leads.
  4. Share valuable content: Share valuable content, such as articles and blog posts, on your LinkedIn profile to attract potential leads and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  5. Leverage LinkedIn’s advanced search features: Use LinkedIn’s advanced search features to find potential leads based on specific criteria, such as job title or industry.
  6. Use LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator: LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator is a paid tool that allows you to find leads and track their activity on the platform. You can also use it to find contact information for leads that are not yet connected to you.
  7. Create a LinkedIn Company Page: Create a LinkedIn Company Page to showcase your products and services and connect with potential leads.
  8. Use InMail to reach out to potential leads: InMail is a feature on LinkedIn that allows you to message people you are not connected to. Use it to send personalized messages to potential leads.
  9. Attend virtual events: Attend virtual events and networking opportunities on LinkedIn to connect with potential leads in your industry.
  10. Create a LinkedIn Lead Gen Form: Use a LinkedIn Lead Gen Form to capture leads directly from your LinkedIn posts or sponsored content.

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